HTML 5 Tutorial

Kyle Rogers
and kind of Matt DePero


Benefits of Web Development

  • Cross platform
  • Distribution
  • Expandible
  • Simple and English Readable

Intro to HTML

HTML is the markup language that every site on the Internet uses to layout its pages. It is understood by every web browser on the market. This means that to develop HTML, you only need a text editor and a browser.


  • Tons of Features
  • Easy to Implement
  • Not Universally Compatible

Overviw of HTML


Javascript is an interpreted programming language that can be used by browsers to create highly interactive realtime web pages. Some examples of Javascript applications:

  • Google Drive
  • Facebook Messaging
  • Twitter's "New Tweets" button


jQuery is a Javascript library for simplifying a lot of Javascript features. It's mostly used for creating smooth animations and creating AJAX requests simply. According to research by W3Techs, jQuery is used on over half of all sites across the Internet.

